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The Legend

Year 2040, an old lady full of white hairs sharing a priceless series of videos with her grand-children... at the end of the videos the children said: Grandma, when I grow up, I want to be like you !


A Little Girls Dream

Men are from Mars and women are from Venus. This was one of her many complaints answered 14 years later ...


Pleasant surprises enrich a marriage...


Children of the Lesser World

Produced when Sam was a toddler as the seeding video to bring our children back to ground zero of the world.

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Typhoon Haiyan 2013

A video that depicts the plight of the victims and pays tribute to the resilience of children suffered in the Typhoon.

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Good Morning Lombok

No amount of disasters (the gloomy dawn) can stifle the courage (the vivacious children) and the future (the rising Sun) of our Indonesia friends. When times are hard, take it as a challenge. When discouraged, look at the unfaltering faces of the children and strive on.

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Singapore Girl

Elegant, sophisticated, benevolent, courageous

雍容华贵 清新脱俗 仁爱诚挚

When the children flipped the SIA calendar, they saw only one SIA girl...


Beyond the Wedding Bells

Our first child was a miscarriage...Madeline was allergic to all pain killers...Samson’s heart beat dropped drastically...Gynae caught in a traffic jam! ...


She was willing to go through the second caesarean operation without pain killer...Counting down to D-Day, she was worried and had many sleepless nights…

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SIA and Us

This is your captain, ... visiting less privileged children has always been a part of our family travel itineraries...  Produced by Samson


Saving Nepal 2015

We were still distributing clothes in Tacloban and there was an urgent request from Nepal - 9,000 people were killed in the earthquake, 12,000 blankets and thousand's of tarpaulin...

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SendingOff a Great Leader

We braved the rain, to extend our tribute to our great leader...

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These videos give you a glimpse of how marriage, family bonding and social responsibility can be seamlessly amalgamated into a wonderful life style for children's character development.

This life long journey and the photography ideas can hopefully be used as a template to help you produce your own timeless legend.

** Please click the thumbnail to view the video **

Behind the dazzling life style of the aircrew
there is a benevolent and sensible facet

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